Local Subgroup Discovery with Elmmut: Experiment report
QualitiesFiles : Data/qualities.csv
PropertiesFiles : Data/propertiesCorr30.csv
ObjectesFiles : Data/objects.csv
OnTheFlyDiscretization : true
maxOutput : 10
beamWidth : 100
maxQualities : 5
maxProperties : 30
minSupp : 30
maxSupp : 700
xBeta : 70.0
lBeta : 100.0
minRedundancy : 2.5
maxBeginPoints : 30
28/12/2015 11:31
4786 sec
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E11 : Number of molecules for which the description holds and that are associated to the subset of olfactory qualities.
E10 : Number of molecules for which the description holds and that are NOT associated to the subset of olfactory qualities.
E01 : Number of molecules for which the description DOES NOT hold and that are associated to the subset of olfactory qualities.